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billlo88的個人空間 https://www.apk.tw/?35697 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]



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top10001 2012-4-2 17:12

http://apk.tw/thread-70883-1-1.html <---------刷機教學大賽

http://apk.tw/thread-72999-1-1.html <---------美化教學大賽

billlo88 2011-12-28 12:33
FOR EXAMPLE : JUST CHECK WITH THIS POST "http://apk.tw/thread-40305-1-1.html"
So many many people do this that you don't like...where is your action??
billlo88 2011-12-28 12:29
I don't see that you take the action that you mentioned, so many people just left 4 chr , that it...seems only focus on me...
kzwi 2011-12-28 12:24
billlo88: why only me... the other people say thanks also and they didn't deduct the credit. Why Why...
不是只有你  我會努力把每一個 有發感謝文的人扣分,希望你以後不要再發感謝文