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ryomaandnew 2020-4-5 12:50
I'm waiting idolish7 mod.....But i think you not have a freetime to make it.Can you teach me?
nurcherry 2019-5-31 18:28
Can you update the mod? Thank you for your work.  
雪野琴音 2019-5-30 23:52
nurcherry 2019-4-26 18:28
please update the mod because there's a new event. thank you so much for work
雪野琴音 2019-3-30 21:31
雪野琴音 2019-3-14 23:28
意盞清秋 2019-2-28 01:51
雪野琴音 2019-2-20 15:57
意盞清秋 2018-12-28 01:03
nurcherry 2018-12-19 15:47
?new update (v 3.12.0) . can you update your mod, please? thank your for your hard work
夏璟江 2018-11-27 02:03
nurcherry 2018-11-22 19:24
it is updated again. can you update the mod? thanks. an good luck the new event
rovankung 2018-10-16 22:36
Waiting new mod for Idolish7~ Fighting >< <3 <3 <3
nurcherry 2018-10-16 18:02
Thank you for your hard work. Unfortunately,  i7 is update again. Can you update the mod, please ? Thank you again
nurcherry 2018-8-23 18:33
update again (3.9.1), can you update the mod, please? thank you so much
nurcherry 2018-8-23 18:32
update again, can you update the mod, please? thank you so much
nurcherry 2018-8-19 21:09
new version again. Can you update the mod, please? thank you so much for your work.
rovankung 2018-7-24 18:31
Waiting Idolish7 3.8.0 Fighting >< <3 <3 <3
nurcherry 2018-6-14 20:46
New version. Can you update the mod? thank you very much
nurcherry 2018-6-14 20:46
New version. Can you update the mod? thank you very much