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NewsJai 2017-5-31 13:40
aozorakinoko: Hello Mr. N! there is a new update in 茜さすセカイでキミと詠う to ver 1.0.2 and here is the links https://apps.qoo-app.com/app/4958 could you please m ...
NewsJai 2017-4-20 13:52
aozorakinoko: Hello Mr. N! today 茜さすセカイでキミと詠う released. So could you please make a mod of it? here the links https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/4958 thank  ...
NewsJai 2017-4-20 12:40
aozorakinoko: Hello Mr. N! today 茜さすセカイでキミと詠う released. So could you please make a mod of it? here the links https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/4958 thank  ...
ok but i need some time
aozorakinoko 2017-3-5 09:02
Alright after beta test then you can make the mod. Thank You very much for your understanding :D
NewsJai 2017-3-4 21:38
aozorakinoko: here is the links https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/4971
but this game now just is test , the data will not save , you need the mod now ??
the Test date end in 2017-03-06
aozorakinoko 2017-3-4 11:55
cool! i can't wait to play with your mod! :D
NewsJai 2017-3-3 14:43
aozorakinoko: here is the links https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/4971
can hack  high Damage and high HP
aozorakinoko 2017-3-2 09:28
here is the link : https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/4971
NewsJai 2017-3-1 11:02
aozorakinoko: Hello Mr. N. !
Could you please make a modified version of this game : 茜さすセカイでキミと詠う from Gcrest. Thank you very much! :)
Have Google play link?
NewsJai 2017-1-25 22:16
aozorakinoko: Hello mr. NewsJai. Today 夢王国と眠れる100人の王子様 日文 is updated to ver 1.19.0 please make a new mod for this .
Thank You! :)