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A Prediction Approach for Stock Market Volatility Based on Time Series Data intr

熱度 1已有 69 次閱讀2021-2-27 15:33 | Prediction, Approach, Market, Volatility, Series

Future being a mystery is always a challenging task to predict.

From the ages, human nature has always been more curious about the future.

Forecasting refers to an approach of predicting what is likely to occur in the future by observing what has happened earlier in the past and what is occurring at present.

In other words, it is just similar to driving a car in forward direction by keeping an eye on the rear-view mirror of a car.

Forecasting is an important problem but with vital importance in all areas of real world like business and industry, medicine, social science, politics, finance, government, economics, environmental sciences and others.

In recent years, with the rise of social media and other promising applications, stock market forecasting has attracted huge interest from people in general and business in particular.







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